NSW DPI sensory scientist Dr Soumi Paul Mukhopadhyay (left) and OliveCare® Administrator Peter McFarlane in action at the Hunter Valley sensory workshop.
A dozen enthusiastic participants gathered for the Hunter Valley Tastebook®/OliveCare® sensory workshop, held in late October at the Adina Vineyard in Lovedale, NSW. The knowledge base among the group was wide and varied, ranging through experienced growers and competition judges to novice consumers.
The workshop was well received by all, with attendees particularly impressed by the range of oils and olives provided for tasting. The opportunity to taste and identify faulty products, and learn how those faults arise, also rated highly in the feedback.
As with previous events, the full-day training program comprised TasteBook™ sensory training with Dr Soumi Paul Mukhopadhyay, combined with OliveCare® Code of Practice information provided by Administrator Peter McFarlane. The sessions complement each other and provide cross-industry knowledge, covering both the sensory aspects of olive oils and table olives and technical elements of production quality.
Change of dates for remaining workshops
The Hunter Valley event was the final workshop for 2019, with the SA, TAS and QLD workshops now rescheduled to Feb-March 2020. Details are:
TASMANIA: 29 February – The Grange, Campbelltown
SOUTH AUSTRALIA: 6 March – University of Adelaide, Waite Campus
QUEENSLAND: Date and venue TBC
Revised details will be posted on the OliveBiz Events calendar and we’ll also update in the Grove Innovation newsletter in the new year.
The Tastebook®/OliveCare® workshop are part of the Hort Innovation Olive Fund R&D project Australian olive industry sensory training program. For further details, please contact Dr Soumi Paul Mukhopadhyay on 0409 283 581 or via email at soumi.paul.mukhopadhyay@dpi.nsw.gov.au.