Webinar – Matakana Olive Co-operative
Held Tuesday 19 February 2024
Over its lifetime, Matakana Olive Co-operative encompassed between four and ten groves, ranging in size from 1200 trees down to a few hundred, with a total of around 2,500 trees. Members maintained and harvested their own groves, with the oil pressed at the one mill. The combined oil stock was evaluated, filtered, stored and bottled by members in a central purpose-built facility, and sold under the Matakana Olive Co-operative label, with members paid from the net proceeds of sales based on their percentage of the total for the harvest period.
Run as a collective, the Matakana Olive Co-operative provided a shared-cost, viable production and distribution model for a regional group of boutique olive oil producers.
Click here to access the recording.
Presented by: David Sullivan, Mahurangi Olives
David Sullivan is co-owner (together with Isabella Sullivan) of Mahurangi Olives (New Zealand) and the major supplier of award-winning extra virgin olive oil to Matakana Olive Co-operative for more than 10 years. The co-op recently recalibrated due to a change in circumstances for some members, and Mahurangi Olives is now a stand-alone business focusing on the production of artisan products.
This webinar series is part of the Olive levy project Australian olive industry communications and extension program (OL22000), funded by Hort Innovation, using the Hort Innovation olive research and development levy, co-investment from the Australian Olive Association and contributions from the Australian Government.
Webinar – Co-ops 101 for Olive Growers
Held Tuesday 7 February 2024
An interactive webinar combining learning and discussion around how mutuality and co-operation can collectively solve a problem and form foundations for shared ownership amongst olive growers. Covering the foundations of ‘what is a co-op’.
Click here to access the recording.
Additional resources:
- BCCM website– case studies, library, education and training and learners centre, fast facts, tools and more
- Meet the Co-op Farmers podcast
- Fight Back Farmers ABC documentary
- Co-op Farming website
- https://coopfarming.coop/online-course/co-operative-foundations/
- Mutual Value Measurement© website
Presented by: Clare Fountain, Clare Fountain from Co-operative Bonds supported by the Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM)
Clare Fountain is a highly experienced and dedicated professional who has been instrumental in supporting member-owned, purpose-driven, and small business enterprises in building resilience and achieving sustainable success. With a holistic and methodical approach, Clare excels in complex situations by considering multiple influencing factors and developing clear, staged strategies to deliver agreed outcomes. She has contributed to national government-funded co-op development programs Farming Together and Co-operative Farming, and is currently contributing to the Care Together program of the BCCM.
The Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM) is the peak body for co-operatives and mutuals in Australia. Co-ops and mutuals are member-owned businesses formed to benefit the people who use them rather than shareholders. They put people, not profit, at the centre of the enterprise.