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BioFach Japan and Natural EXPO is Asia-Pacific’s premier trade show for organic and natural products. This year’s event is being held from 7-9 October in Tokyo and will focus on one big question for organic producers: Is the organic and natural market feeling the squeeze of the economic downturn?

Organisers said organic continues to grow globally, despite the economic crisis.

“While demands for products of conventional industries are falling, the value of the domestic Chinese organic market has already exceeded the total of exported organic products,” organisers said.

According to the special edition of eve, a German lifestyle magazine specialized in alternative food, this positive market-trend is not only limited to China.

“Organic continues to grow – against the trend’ the magazine wrote in its February issue,” organisers of BioFach said. “In times when the economy slows down, people have more time for themselves and get to reconsider their daily choice of food and clothes as well as body care and cosmetics.”

“They particularly spend more time at home and might instead of eating out simply enjoy a healthy dinner with organic ingredients in their own homes.

“Considering this, there are good chances that also the Japanese organic and natural market, the third-largest market of its kind in the world, will be able to respond to the economic crisis and instead increase its turnover,” organisers said.

Japan accounts for 60% of the total Asian gross national product and relies by more than 50% on food imports. With 182 exhibitors and 15,000 visitors last year, BioFach Japan and Natural EXPO mark excellent opportunities to get in touch with the big players of Japan’s alternative food industry. The importance of such face-to-face interaction, especially in the Japanese business, cannot be stressed enough. It also gives visitors, 85% of them being professionals, a great chance to taste, try and touch hundreds of best selling items from around the world.

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