May 12, 2017 | Diet/Food, International News/Trends, Olive Oil News, Research
Researchers in Chile found a compound in olive oil reduced the adverse effects on cholesterol and insulin caused by a high-fat diet. Olive Oil Helps Reverse Damage of High-Fat Diets...
May 5, 2017 | Diet/Food, General Olive News, International News/Trends, Labelling, Marketing, Olive business
Mingling the flavors of land and sea, Premium Spanish olive company La Sabrosita has launched three new versions of its Manzanilla fina olives combined with different types of seaweed.
Apr 27, 2017 | Diet/Food, International News/Trends, Olive Oil News
Bread and butter? Not so fast. Creative olive oil combinations have taken the place of butter as an accompaniment for bread. I prefer the fruity flavor of olive oil with bread. Even more delicious are blending different flavors together. For more great culinary EVOO...
Apr 27, 2017 | Diet/Food, General Olive News, International News/Trends, Olives and Health
University of Louisiana researchers are working to develop treatments for cancer and Alzheimer’s from a compound found in extra virgin olive oil. Dr Amal Kaddoumi’s research at ULM focuses on Alzheimer’s, and Dr Khalid El Sayed is researching cancer. El Sayed says in...
Apr 20, 2017 | Diet/Food, International News/Trends, Olive Oil News
A Yale study found a 6.2% decline in hospital admissions for heart attacks and strokes among New York residents in districts where trans fats were banned from restaurants. Do we really need any more reason to replace other fats with EVOO! Strokes, Heart Attacks Drop...
Apr 20, 2017 | Diet/Food, NZ
Hardly a day passes without some new edict being issued about the food we should be avoiding. Superfoods are worshipped one minute and shot down in flames the next, according to Daily Mail.