Apr 6, 2017 | Environment, International News/Trends, Olive business
Olive oil has great potential in marketing Greek tourism destinations and can be used as a tool of sustainable development, a researcher noted. Route To Sustainable Tourism In Greece Lined With Olive Oil...
Apr 6, 2017 | Diet/Food, International News/Trends, Marketing, Olive business, Olives and Health
From certification seals to romance text to website blog posts, many packaged food and beverage brands put a lot of thought (and resources) into creating convincing nutrition-related arguments to persuade buyers. But among Millennials, only 26% of them actually pay...
Apr 6, 2017 | Diet/Food, International News/Trends, Olives and Health
How much do you know about the heart-healthy kitchen staple olive oil? Storage: a dark glass or tin bottle protects oil from light and air, both of which can cause it to spoil. Clear glass is OK as long as it’s mostly covered by a large label. Store oil in a cool,...
Apr 6, 2017 | International News/Trends, Olive business, Olive Oil News
More than 200,000 checks were carried out by Italian authorities in 2016 to fight food crimes and lead the country to the highest level of food safety in the world. This was the finding from the fifth report on agri-food crimes by the Italian farmers’ group...
Apr 6, 2017 | Environment, International News/Trends, Olive Oil News
The oldest olive oil press in Anatolia has been discovered in the ancient city of Lyrboton Kome in Antalya, but archaeologists have expressed special excitement at revelations that many of the olive oil facilities and the town itself was founded by a woman. Proof that...
Apr 6, 2017 | International News/Trends, Labelling, Olive business
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has praised France for officially backing a voluntary, front-of-pack nutrition logo that “clearly stood out as the most consumer-friendly scheme”.