Jul 29, 2016 | Diet/Food, International News/Trends, Research
Consumption of virgin olive oil is good for you, but why? Scientific evidence on this issue has been accumulating for a quarter century. Epidemiological, clinical, and animal studies support that the consumption of virgin olive oil, instead of other sources of dietary...
Jul 29, 2016 | Environment, General Olive News, International News/Trends, Olive Oil News
The significant number of scientific studies that have found powerful links between extra virgin olive oil and human health keep on coming, and the International Olive Council (IOC) June 2016 newsletter reports another exciting win-win, this time for the environment....
Jul 29, 2016 | International News/Trends, Labelling, Olive Oil News
The Italian Antitrust Authority imposed fines on the global discount supermarket chain Lidl and the world’s largest olive oil producer for mislabeling olive oil. Italian Antitrust Authority Fines Lidl, Deoleo and Coricelli for Misleading Consumers...
Jun 27, 2016 | International News/Trends, Research, Technology/Science
The Oleocanthal International Society (OIS) recently gathered researchers and olive oil producers at the Olympic Academy in Ancient Olympia, Greece for the OIS’s third conference and the first Olympia Health & Nutrition Awards. Over 400 participants exchanged...
Jun 27, 2016 | Environment, International News/Trends, Research
La Zadruga is a farm on the west bank of Lake Garda which produces high-quality EVOO from rare, rescued and newly discovered varieties. Farmer Produces EVOO from Rescued and Newly Discovered Olive Varieties...
Jun 27, 2016 | International News/Trends, Olive business
When British citizens cast their historic vote tomorrow to stay in Europe or leave the Union, many will be thinking about overreaching mandates like the ban on cruets in restaurants. Some View EU Olive Oil Decree as ‘Last Straw’ in Brexit Vote...