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New origin labels for olive oil

Olive oil lovers will soon be fully informed about where their oil was produced, after the competition watchdog acted on country-of-origin labels for the food. Australian Competition and Consumer Chairman Rod Sims said on Thursday the commission would move to provide...

Proposition 37 and the definition of natural food

Let’s forget, for the moment, whether it’s a good idea to require foods that have been genetically engineered to show that on the labeling, as Proposition 37 on the November (US) ballot would do. There’s a curious provision in the initiative...

Olive oil labelling in spotlight

Australian olive growers will take their campaign for a fair market for olive oil to a meeting today in Adelaide. It will be a state and federal ministerial council meeting. Federal Opposition spokesman on Consumer Affairs Bruce Billson has called for the issue of...

Olive industry calls for better labels

A parliamentary push is on for greater protection of the local olive oil industry, calling for more transparent labelling to stop misleading information on imported olive oil products. NSW Nationals Senator John Williams spoke on the issue in the Senate recently,...