Nov 17, 2015 | International News/Trends, Labelling, Olive business
The largest olive oil producers in California are going to get visits from the state this year – and they have the welcome mats out. That’s because it is the growers and millers who pushed the state Department of Agriculture to establish quality assurance and...
Nov 17, 2015 | International News/Trends, Labelling, Olive business
French retailers have unveiled an alternative ‘simplified’ nutrition label which rivals the five-coloured label and banishes the red traffic light that they cast as discriminatory against certain foods.
Nov 4, 2015 | International News/Trends, Labelling, Olive Oil News
On September 2013, California Senate Bill 250 was signed into law establishing the Olive Oil Commission of California (OOCC). Since then, new standards for olive oil labeling and quality have been adopted by the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) for...
Oct 15, 2015 | International News/Trends, Labelling, Services
At Agbiolab we have received several inquiries about non-GMO certification of olive oil, mostly from producers who are dealing with retailers that require it. We do provide GMO tests for seed and foods as part of our DNA genetic services, and are aware of the GMO...
Oct 15, 2015 | Diet/Food, International News/Trends, Labelling
Both the health benefits of olive oil and the scandals about fraudulent labeling have been widely publicized. I wanted to know how to recognize and buy “real” oil. Johnny Madge, an international olive oil expert, who lives between Rome and a tiny, medieval...
Oct 12, 2015 | International News/Trends, Labelling, Olive business
Consumers are significantly more likely to buy foods that carry front-of-pack nutrition labels irrespective of their nutritional value, according to a study published in Public Health Nutrition.