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2014 ONZ Grove Census on its way: are your figures ready?

The 2014 Grove Census, conducted by Olives New Zealand, is being sent out to participants in November. Of particular interest will be 2014 harvest crop and yield figures, as these will provide data for the Focus Grove Project. The information will also allow for...

2015 South American study tour

The Australian Olive Association is running a Olive Study Tour to South America on 19 September-5 October 2015. Hosted by Pablo Canamasas, the tour will include visits to super high density and award-winning groves, and large producers and processors in Argentina and...

2014 ONZ Grove Census: are your figures ready?

The 2014 Grove Census, conducted by Olives New Zealand, will be sent out to participants in November. Of particular interest will be 2014 harvest crop and yield figures, as these will provide data for the Focus Grove Project. The information will also allow for...

Loopline take Best in Show at 2014 NZ EVOO Awards

The winners of the 2014 NZ EVOO Awards were announced at a dinner held at Parliament in Wellington on October 4. The coveted Andy Rosanowski Best in Show Trophy went to Kate and Mark Bunny of Loopline Olives, Wairarapa, while Best Boutique went to Jan Whyte and Niall...

Hard pressed to find better olives

Wairarapa can proudly lay claim to being New Zealand’s dominant olive growing territory, for the past year at least. With Loopline Olives taking out the Best in Show and several other Wairarapa growers winning Best in Class and gold medals, the region was...