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2014 NZ EVOO Awards

The judging panel for the 2014 NZ EVOO Awards has been finalised and once again includes both international and New Zealand judges. The original Sensory Panel members are being rotated through the judging panel to make use of their valued expertise, and at least one...

ONZ Certification 2014

The 2014 Certification documentation has been loaded to the Olives NZ website and personalised packs will be sent to members in May. Northland, Auckland and Waiheke Island members should already have received theirs. The cost has been kept the same as in 2011 and...

ONZ Grove Census

The closing date for ONZ Grove Census data to be included in the new 2014 report is 30 April. Showing comparisons of tree performance within a region and across regions for 2013, along with myriad other summarised data, the report will enable growers to make informed...