May 30, 2014 | EVOO, International News/Trends, Olive Oil News, Olives and Health
Back in October, 2013 Dr Prokopios Magiatis and Dr Eleni Melliou from the University of Athens could be seen in stores around Northern California stocking up on dozens of bottles of EVOO, as part of a privately-funded research project to measure phenolic compounds...
May 30, 2014 | International News/Trends, Olive Oil News, Olives and Health
The extra-virgin Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) olive oil was characterized by reduced levels of oxidation and hydrolysis, and superior amounts of minor antioxidant compounds. The chemical composition of olive oils are important parameters in their predictive...
May 30, 2014 | NZ, Olive Oil News, Olives and Health
Over the last decade, everyone has been harping on about the beauty benefits of olive oil, but the truth is this kitchen staple has been used on the body since ancient times (thank you, Cleopatra). Naturally, olive oil is packed with anti-ageing antioxidants and...
May 30, 2014 | NZ, Olive Oil News, Olives and Health
New Zealand’s lawmakers have signed off on a new bill that that rewrites the country’s food safety regulations.
May 30, 2014 | Olive Oil News, Olives and Health
Palace Cinemas is the largest chain of art-house cinemas in Australia, with 20 theaters, employing more than 500 people and selling 3-4 million tickets per year. So it was no small decision to use only olive oil to pop their popcorn.
May 30, 2014 | Olive Oil News, Olives and Health
The US Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) submitted a public comment letter to the FDA urging it to revisit its strategy for addressing economically motivated adulteration (EMA) of food ingredients, noting that the current framework doesn’t sufficiently address its unique...