Nov 13, 2012 | Equipment, EVOO, International News/Trends, Labelling, NZ, Olive Oil News, Olive Oil Shows, Olives and Health, Organic, Research, Seminars/Conference, Surveys, Table Olive News
Want to keep up to date and in the know about all things (and people) olive? Subscribe and save now with this special offer value package for olive industry members. The package includes: 2012 Olive Industry Directory 2013 Olive Industry Directory (published May 2013)...
Nov 13, 2012 | Olive Oil News, Organic, Research, Surveys
Organics is one of Australia’s top five growth industries, becoming mainstream, says a report launched recently. Supermarkets are fast embracing organics, with growth propelled by the average Australian. More than one in 20 are regular shoppers of organics and almost...
Nov 13, 2012 | EVOO, International News/Trends, Surveys
A minimum number of tests on olive oil authenticity would have to conducted each year in the European Union under proposed anti-fraud measures before a European Commission committee. And EU countries would have to be more rigorous in the details they gave the EC on...