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The good oil on Australian olives

The wet weather that soured the harvest season for Hunter grape growers, now appears to be impacting on olive producers. But while yields are down, the sector is still making progress, with Australia’s olive oil production expected to increase two-fold by...

On the up for olives

The Spanish have long been proclaiming the olive as the ideal snack. Now it seems the rest of the world is catching on, with British consumers prefering the more sophisticated olives to the old fashioned bar snack of peanuts. Tesco – the country’s biggest supermarket...

Wanted – Kalamata olives

Viva Olives is looking to buy new 2012 season ripe Kalamata fruit (off the tree, not processed), with good prices being offered. If you have some to sell, contact Darren McKenzie on mob: 0407 846 107; ph: 08 8584 5811 or email:...

Free environmental management training

Olivegrowers can now learn the core principles of Environmental Management Systems (EMS) via a fully government-funded training course. The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has approved the ECAAS Environmental Management System training under its...