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Table olive competition timing – have your say

When is the best time to hold a table olive competition? This is the question the AOA has been pondering for a number of years. They’ve trialled holding the competition in February and March without luck and the national table olive competition is currently held in...

Delavignes Dairy-Free Butter Oil

The labelling gets me, since butter oil is often a reference to ghee, but Delavignes’ dairy-free butter oil is all olive with just a touch of vegan butter essence. Nothing more. Another of an increasing number of ‘alternative’ products including olive oil. You can...

The good oils: a culinary oil guide

There are many misconceptions in the culinary world when it comes to cooking oils. Everything from smoke points, health benefits and refining processes have been scrutinised over the years, so Hospitality decided to catch up with a number of movers and shakers in the...