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Olives SA is strongly urging growers who have made an application for a Critical Water Allocation (CWA) to urgently check the accuracy of the calculation of the allocation they have been granted.

The Board of Olives SA has been closely monitoring the implementation of the State Government’s Critical Water Allocation (CWA) program that is designed to secure the survival of permanent plantings along the River Murray, during the ongoing drought and severe water restrictions.

Late last year olivegrowers were successful in arguing for the critical survival needs figure for
olives to be increased from 2.5 to 4.0ML/ha, a figure which has now been accepted by the SA

Olives SA has recently raised with PIRSA certain irregularities in the CWA advice sent to some
olivegrowers, apparently with the previous critical survival needs figure of 2.5ML/ha being used.

PIRSA has now agreed to recalculate the CWA for all olivegrowers, using the correct 4.0ML/ha

Accordingly olivegrowers should also check their CWA and contact the Drought Response Centre
on 1800 857 327 or 08 8595 2351, or email: if they believe there is any discrepancy between their CWA entitlement and the notified allocation.

Olivegrowers are also reminded that whilst applications for the CWA program closed earlier this month, an appeal process is open to Irrigators who were unsuccessful in obtaining critical water allocations. Irrigators have until close of business on January 31 to make a request for their case to be reviewed if they believe calculations did not take into account all factors.

A request for reassessment form and further information is available on line at: