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2016 marks 15 years since the first NZ EVOO Awards in 2001 and once again, Olives NZ has assembled an excellent panel of high-calibre judges. All are trained to IOC standard and have strong backgrounds in assessing and judging olive oil, and together they represent a wealth of industry experience from across the globe. They are: Reni Hildenbrand – South Africa (Head Judge), Robert Harris – Australia/Germany,

Georges Feghali – ex Lebanon, Charlotte Connoley – Auckland, Rachel Priestley – Wairarapa and Rachel Costello – Nelson. Guest judges Niki Bezzant of Healthy Life Media and Kelli Brett from Cuisine magazine will join the panel for Flavoured Oils. Entries open on 15 August and close on 15 September, with winners announced at the ONZ Conference/Awards Dinner on 15 October. More information here.