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The Olive Wellness Institute (OWI) is now 18 months old and they’re keen to hear your feedback on their work to date, so they can track their progress and continue to improve their offer.

They’re doing that via a grower survey, with the responses providing the valuable information they need for activity planning for 2020 and beyond. It’s really quick – just a handful of brief questions, along with the opportunity to let them know what you’d like to see, hear and learn about via the Olive Wellness Institute into the future.

Click through now and have your say; they really, really want to hear from you!

New table olives information

One of the most recent additions to the OWI’s offerings is the new table olives section of the OWI website. Written by industry table olive ‘guru’ Professor Stan Kallis, the new section includes pages providing an overview of table olive production and detailed information on the health benefits of table olive consumption.

As with all OWI content, the information is fully referenced and provides great facts for us all to learn from and share.

Take a look at the new pages here and here.

And new podcast

There’s also a great new episode in the Olive Wellness Podcast series, covering Lifestyle medicine, olive oil and the Mediterranean Diet.

Shivaun Conn, Vice President of the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine, explores the holistic approach to healthy living that is lifestyle medicine, based on the practice that a healthy body and mind is achieved via factors including diet, sleep, environment and exercise.

Conn discusses lifestyle medicine in detail, and in particular how extra virgin olive oil and a Mediterranean diet are key ingredients to good health. Listen here and share it around.