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The AOA is jointly co-ordinating a masterclass on micronutrients, presented by Professor Jan Kofod Schjørring, Professor of Plant Nutrition at the University of Copenhagen. Micronutrient fertilization is a challenging issue in agronomy, yet continuing research shows responses to micronutrients in a range of cropping situations including crop yield, improved tolerance to diseases and pest problems, improvement in physiological issues and improved crop vigour. This class will discuss the key topics of: Micronutrients in Soils – what is really going on? Role and function of micronutrients in crops; and Fertiliser decisions, forms, testing and research. The cost is $145 (GST incl) for AOA financial members and $190 for others. The date is Thursday, April 16, commencing at 8.30am at Golding Wines, 52 Western Branch Road, Lobethal SA. Registrations are essential: visit for more information and to register.