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A new program funded by Hort Innovation’s Frontiers and a Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) Showcasing Australian Horticulture Grant aims to grow the important trade relationship between Australia and Japan.

Japan is currently Australia’s fourth-largest trading partner by value, representing six per cent of total Australian horticulture exports with an annual value of $154 million.

Delivered through Hort Innovation, the program will enable Australian and Japanese horticulture industry representatives to build relationships, expand networks, exchange knowledge, and explore commercial and research opportunities, through a series of inbound and outbound trade activities.

In particular, Australian growers will showcase the origins of our quality produce through farm visits and tours for Japanese representatives, providing insights into diverse horticultural crops across Australian states, growing regions and commodities.

The program’s focus on relationship building will also see visits to Australian research centres and institutions, as part of a series of co-ordinated events designed to cultivate stronger relationships, enhanced market understanding, commercial partnerships and ongoing collaboration.

Hort Innovation is Australia’s grower-owned, not-for-profit organisation that invests in research and development, marketing, and trade initiatives to build a prosperous and sustainable future for growers.