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New Zealand producers have excelled at this year’s Los Angeles Southern Hemisphere EVOO Awards, taking out an incredible 13 Gold, four Silver and two Bronze medals – as well as four Best of Class awards. The winners were: Divinity Olives – Bronze; Man O’War – Gold + Silver; Matiatia Grove – three Gold, two Best of Class + Silver; Moutohora Estate – Bronze; Number 29 – Gold; Rangihoua Estate – three Gold + Best of Class; Virtuo – two Gold + 1 Best of Class. We couldn’t put it better than ONZ EO Gayle Sheridan, who said: “It’s great to see so many entries from New Zealand with such an abundant tally of medals. It all adds to the reputation of New Zealand as a top class producer on the global stage.”

… and their Aussie counterparts?
Australian producers also gained fantastic results in LA, taking home a total of 20 Gold and Silver medals and equalling NZ’s count of four Best of Class awards. Best of Class awards went to Cape Schanck Estate, two to Chapman River Olives and Cobram Estate.