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Harvest is looming ever closer and for some, is only weeks away. Are you organised yet, or would information about what and how to prepare make the process easier and more efficient?

Making great table olives and EVOO starts with great fruit, and then it’s down to practices and techniques – with a solid dose of attention to detail along the way. There’s a lot to think about, plan for and organise pre-harvest, so here’s a timely reminder of some of the helpful resources available 24/7 on the AOA’s OliveBiz website, produced via the levy-funded industry communications and extension project.

AOA Technical Webinars

OliveCare® Best Practice webinar series

Presented by former AOA OliveCare® Code of Best Practice Administrator Peter McFarlane, this series of three webinars aim to lift grove productivity, achieve product excellence and develop sustainable businesses:

Webinar 1 – Grove Management Best Practice

Webinar 2 – EVOO & Flavoured Olive Oil Production Best Practice

Webinar 3 – Table Olives/Olive Paste Production Best Practice

Processing Webinar Series

Presented by international olive oil production consultant Pablo Canamasas, these two sessions cover considerations and practices before, during and after olive oil processing:

Webinar 1: Pre-season considerations for EVOO making

Webinar 2: Technical aspects of EVOO making

Olive Oil Storage Issues

A presentation and discussion with Pablo Canamasas around the critical control factors for the storage of olive oil after processing, including the use of ‘racking off’, ‘purging’ and ‘filtration’.

EVOO storage considerations

A discussion with olive oil scientist Jamie Ayton around the effect of storage containers on olive oil quality

EVOO shelf life prediction

Presented by Modern Olives Laboratory Manager Claudia Guillaume, this webinar was timed to coincide with the end of the olive harvesting and processing season and focussed on the considerations around EVOO bottling and storage to ensure ongoing quality.

Pest & Disease Management with Alison Mathews

A presentation and discussion around the management of Black Scale and Apple Weevil in olives, to ensure healthy fruit for processing.

Table olive cultivars

Presented by table olive expert Professor Stan Kailis, this session covers topics including cultivar suitability for table olives and styles of table olives.

Access all of the Technical Webinars here.


Linda Costa Table Olives SA Workshop Videos

This six-part video series provides content delivered as part of the AOA’s Table Olive Workshop National Tour with international expert Linda Costa and can be accessed here.


And in case you missed it via Friday Olive Extracts, there’s a great overview of the topic in the article Harvest time is almost here – are you ready? – by AOA Communications Officer Laura Thomas, providing a check-list of pre-harvest tasks and considerations, with links for further information and resources.

These are just some of the many industry resources available on the OliveBiz website –. Why not take a look through post-harvest and see what other useful information you can find covering other aspects of your olive business.

These resources were produced as part of the Olive levy project Australian olive industry communications and extension program (OL22000) funded by Hort Innovation, using the Hort Innovation olive research and development levy, co-investment from the Australian Olive Association and contributions from the Australian Government.