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Deakin University researchers are investigating the anti-inflammatory properties of oleocanthal in olive oil as protection against the inflammation involved in muscle-wasting conditions such as muscular dystrophy. Oleocanthal has a similar anti-inflammatory action as ibuprofen, with 25-50ml of EVOO providing 10% of the anti-inflammatory effect of a dose of ibuprofen, and researchers are hoping to find that a daily dose of olive oil over a long period of time could reduce the need to take anti-inflammatory medications on a regular basis.

The initial focus of the study is to test the connection between a person’s sensitivity to the throat irritation caused by oleocanthal. Those found to be highly sensitive and highly insensitive to oleocanthal will be invited to take part in the next phase of the study looking at the effect on muscle cells.

Anyone interested in taking part in the study can contact Lisa Lucas on 03 9251 7286 or email