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In the last financial year, more than $226,000 has been strategically invested in olive R&D projects, to address key grower concerns and ensure the long-term sustainability and profitability of the industry.

The recently released Olive Fund Annual Report 2016/17 is now available to view on the Hort Innovation website, and contains nine pages of information specific to olive levy investment.

Topics summarised in the report include:

  • Strategic Investment Advisory Panel
  • Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
  • R&D project list 2016/17 including new, ongoing and completed projects
  • R&D report focusing on some projects in more detail
  • Financial summary 2016/17
  • Minor use permit update.

The project Essential work to facilitate increased exports to China, removing roadblocks and enhancing competitive advantage (OL14003) is one of the projects that was competed in the last financial year, and is summarised on page seven of the annual report.

The project was established to help grow Australia’s share of the Chinese market for extra virgin olive oil.

A key output of the project was the development of the Olive industry Export Handbook, which provides growers with the guidelines for product standards, food safety, traceability, quality, packaging and labelling requirements to meet the standards for access into China.

More information on how to obtain a copy of the handbook or the project final report is available in the annual report, which is available here

Why it is important to keep up-to-date with R&D

R&D research results and findings play an important role in the olive industry, particularly for small or boutique growers who cannot feasibly undertake their own R&D activities.

Each project concept is carefully reviewed through a procurement process, and weighed up against the needs of the olive industry. Consideration is given during this process to ensure the research is relevant and beneficial to all growers, regardless of their business size.

By understanding how the levy is invested and what projects are currently in progress, growers can stay abreast of the latest industry research and utilise the findings for the benefit of their own business productivity and bottom line.

Any grower looking for more information on how R&D projects can assist their business is encouraged to get in touch with the Relationship Manager for the olive industry, Will Gordon.

Will can be contacted on or 0427 920 924

Find out more about the olive levy investment process here

Find out more about the Olive Fund here