Put Your Senses to Work
Learn how to recognise diverse flavour, aroma and taste attributes of Australian extra virgin olive oil and table olives and what sets the award winners apart from the rest.

A series of TasteBook® and OliveCare® national workshops to be held across Australia
Dr Soumi Paul Mukhopadhyay, NSW DPI Sensory and Consumer Science Researcher and Peter McFarlane, OliveCare® administrator, are presenting a series of sensory training workshops for extra virgin olive oils (EVOO) and table olives (TO). The workshop program includes TasteBook® sensory training using EVOO and table olives, olive oil chemistry, freshness testing of EVOO and determining objective best before dates (BBDs) plus so much more.
Previous guest speakers have included:
South Australia 24/05/19: Dr Michelle Wirthensohn (Australian National Table Olive Head Judge and South Australian Table Olive Head Judge) and Trudie Michels (Event Convenor and Chief Steward of the Australian International Olive Awards).
Geelong 14/06/19, Claudia Guillaume (General Manager, Laboratory and Quality Assurance, Boundary Bend Olives).
Wagga Wagga 30/06/19, Jamie Ayton, Oils Chemist, NSW DPI
Wangaratta 31/08/19, Shane Cummins, Head Judge, AIOA
Click here for bios of presenters.
Guest speakers for other workshops will be advised at a later date.
The sensory training section of the workshops are aimed at those with little to some olive tasting knowledge. Those who are well trained and have judging experience are encouraged to attend to benchmark their tasting skills and to learn about the growing and production technical aspects of what produces faults in EVOO and table olives. Experienced judges attending will be in a position to ‘give back’ by sharing their skills and experiences with the less experienced.
All attendees will receive a Certificate of Participation.
Cost = $40 inc GST levy payers, $50 inc GST non-levy payers.
For more details, contact Dr Soumi Paul Mukhopadhyay on 0409 283 581 or via email soumi.paul.mukhopadhyay@dpi.nsw.gov.au.
9.00am – 11.00am TasteBook® sensory training using EVOO
11.00am – 11.30am Morning tea
11.30am – 12.00pm How to produce a gold medal oil and to distinguish gold from the rest
12.00pm – 1.00pm Olive oil chemistry, freshness testing of EVOO and determining objective best before dates (BBDs)
1.00pm – 1.30pm Lunch
1.30pm – 2.20pm Accessing OliveCare® web-based e-learning resources
2.20pm – 3.00pm Preparing a food quality plan (for EVOO or table olives)
3.00pm – 3.30pm Afternoon tea
3.30pm – 4.45pm TasteBook® sensory training using table olives
4.45pm – 5.00pm Questions, participant survey
5.00pm Close of workshop

Geelong workshop attendees
SA May workshop attendees

Wagga Wagga workshop attendees
WA workshop attendees.

Wangaratta workshop attendees

Albury workshop attendees

Lovedale workshop attendees

SA workshop attendees March 2020

Terrigal workshop attendees

Campbell Town workshop attendees