Webinar – Upscale Your Table Olives Operation
Held 22nd September 2020
If you’re ready to take your table olive production to the next level, you will want to watch this webinar. Peter Reaich from Australian Olive Company demonstrates the workings of a commercial table olive operation using a natural fermenting method. During the webinar you will see how the Australian Olive Company washes and sorts its table olives and Peter explains the company’s brining and natural anaerobic fermentation process. He shares invaluable tried and tested tips for ensuring a quality product as well as answers a range of questions from webinar attendees.
Access the recording HERE.
Recommended resources as suggested by Peter Reaich in the webinar:
The Voluntary Industry Standard for Table Olives in Australia, RIRDC – reviewed and revised in January 2020, access here.
Table Olive Production Manual, RIRDC – the revised version will be available later this year – access the current version here.
Producing Table Olives, Stan Kailis and David Harris – available on-line as an ebook. Purchase here.
IOOC Olive Pest & Disease Management Practical Handbook – unable to locate link to purchase. However, a range of up-to-date IPDM resources are now available for free download here.
Webinar – IPDM Project Resources and How to Access Them
Held 1 September 2020
Dr Robert Spooner-Hart and Len Tesoriero presents a very informative webinar showcasing all of the outputs from their current project, “An integrated pest and disease management extension program for the olive industry (OL17001)”. The objective of the project is to provide Australian olive growers with access to current, practical information and instruction for implementing integrated pest and disease management (IPDM) strategies in their groves.
During the webinar, Spooner-Hart and Tesoriero review the material as well as provide information on how to access it including: on-line tutorials (9) on IPDM theory and practice, and key olive pests and diseases; Flyers (9) on key olive pests and diseases, including exotic biosecurity risks; a Revised Field Guide to Olive Pests, Disorders and Diseases in Australia; and an Olive IPDM Manual. An upcoming follow-up survey for the project is also be discussed.
Access recording here
Access resources here
Webinar – Talking Table Olives with Linda Costa
Held 25 August 2020
- refreshes attendees minds on some critical elements of the process;
- answers questions recently submitted to Linda by workshop delegates;
- and hear how Linda’s 2020 table olive processing is progressing in South Africa.
Access recording here.
Access presentation here.
Webinar – Evaluation of Processing Aids for Olive Oil Extraction & Quality Improvement
Held 16th June 2020
Access recording HERE.
Access presentation HERE.
Webinar – Update on the irrigation trials / oil accumulation results
Held 19th May 2020
Update on the irrigation trials / oil accumulation results
This third and final webinar in the Remote Sensing Project series will be hosted by the AOA. Presenters include: Dr James Brinkhoff (University of New England) and Alex Schultz (NSW Department of Primary Industries).
The presentation covers:
- Rationale for the trial and the technologies being assessed (imagery, sensors)
- Layout of trials – varieties, treatment locations, treatment specifications (water deficit..)
- How it was implemented
- Results 1 – high frequency sensor-based indicators of water stress
- Performance of on-farm sigfox networks
- Sensor-based indications of water stress (dendrometer, sap flow, soil moisture)
- Correlations with evapotranspiration-rainfall
- Results 2 – high resolution spatial remote sensing detection of water stress including airborne thermal and satellite multispectral
- Potential of remote sensing for timely identification of water stress in olive trees
- Potential of single capture high resolution thermal imagery for identifying water stress in olive trees
- Results 3 – update on yield and oil content
- Q & A
Access recording HERE.
Webinar – National Olive Grove Mapping Project
Held 12th May 2020
- Introduction to the project and its role in the Olive Remote Sensing Project.
- Benefits of a national olive map eg grove and industry production estimates, biosecurity incl abandoned groves, natural disaster monitoring on olive groves (eg bushfires, Cyclone Debbie)
- Mapping undertaken in phase 1 of the project;
- Current progress in phase 2 and what is required to keep it updated;
- Live demo for participants to enter data for their own groves
Access recording HERE.
Access presentation HERE.
Webinar – Overview of Remote Sensing Project
Held 5th May 2020
Overview of the Olive Remote Sensing Project including aerial sensing, ground sensing and NIR sensing.
Hosted by AOA. Presenters include: Professor Andrew Robson (University New England), Dr Luz Angelica Suarez (University New England), Professor Kerry Walsh (Central Queensland University) and Alex Schultz (NSW Department of Primary Industries).
Access recording HERE.
Access presentation HERE.
Digital Marketing Webinar Series
These webinars are designed for those that are looking to set up an online presence and/or wish to sharpen their online marketing skills.
The webinars are presented by Lauren Hamilton from Digital Narrative whose presentation and workshop on digital marketing at 2019 National Conference were rated extremely highly by conference delegates.
The three-part webinar series covers the following topics:

- Different website options (Square, WP, Shopify)
- Selling online without a website
- Key ingredients for success when building a simple eCommerce website
This webinar was held on 26 May 2020.
Access recording here
Access presentation here

- Free social media options including influencers
- Newsletters
- Collaborations
- PR
This webinar was held on 2 June 2020
Access recording here
Access presentation here

- Paid FB and Instagram ads
- Google remarketing
- Google search marketing
This webinar was held on 9 June 2020
Access recording here
Access presentation here