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Hort Innovation and FPSC-ANZ invite you to participate in a quick 10-minute research survey aimed at improving food safety standards within the Australian and New Zealand fresh produce industry.

Fresh Insights on Food Safety: A Research Survey of Fresh Produce Stakeholders in Australia and New Zealand aims to provide a better understanding of industry needs, to gather insights, and identify opportunities for outreach, support and research.

By sharing your experiences and perspectives, you can help tailor food safety engagement strategies to meet the specific needs of growers, food safety managers, supply chain stakeholders, researchers, and experts.

The overall project aim is to strengthen collaboration, elevate industry standards, and ensure the safety and quality of fresh produce for consumers – in turn building a stronger future for the horticulture industry.

To ensure confidentiality, all responses provided will remain anonymous and the results will be aggregated to present overall trends and findings.

Access the survey here.