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The AOA believes the time is right to approach government and seek to split the current Olive Research, Development & Extension levy of $3.00 per tonne of fresh fruit delivered to a processing facility, to include a proportion of money for marketing.

In the past the AOA have relied on a voluntary Consumer Awareness and Education collection mechanism which has not resulted in sufficient funds to undertake meaningful work.

The Board of the AOA recognises there is a need for more generic marketing of both the olive products produced by Australian growers and of Australia as a producer of premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

This topic will be discussed at the upcoming National Olive Industry Conference and Trade Exhibition in Mildura on Monday 14th& Tuesday 15th September. The AOA is asking that all levy payers think about the proposal and complete the preference forms already provided.

They are to be returned to the AOA no later than Friday 11th September 2015. Contact for further details.