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The next round of ONZ Focus Grove Field Days has started, with Nelson and Canterbury completed. The picture above is from Canterbury, where 20 people enjoyed a great afternoon at Terrace Edge olive grove at Waipara.

The remaining Field Day dates are:
Friday 17th Hawke’s Bay (4pm start)
Friday 24th Wairarapa (12pm for picnic lunch, 1pm start)
Thursday 30th  Northland (bring a picnic lunch at 12, Field Day starts at 1pm).

Members are encouraged to also attend Field Days outside of their own region to observe the differing challenges and performances of the various Focus Groves.

All members should have received the first Fact Sheets – Diseases Management – covering Anthracnose, Peacock Spot and Cercosporiose. Please note that the same spray program done correctly addresses all three diseases simultaneously. This is also available on the website under the Focus Grove page – here: