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The new financial year is now upon us – have you renewed your industry membership? The Australian Olive Association (AOA) is the Prescribed Industry Body (PIB) for the olive industry and as a financial member, you are doing your bit to support and empower the AOA to represent your interests, and to help build a sustainable and profitable future for our industry. There are also plenty of direct member benefits, including:

  • eligibility to join the Australian Code of Practice (OliveCare™) quality certification program
  • member discounts on events, including the annual National Conference, and publications
  • access to the online Members Lounge for invaluable information and assistance with labelling requirements, technical issues, industry R&D and much more.

To continue being a part of YOUR industry representative organisation, return your renewal form now to the AOA Secretariat via email: or post to C/O Post Office, Coomandook SA 5261. SA and WA members should now also have received their renewal forms – please email Lisa at the above address if yours hasn’t arrived.

Want to join?
And if you’re not already a member, now’s the time to join. You’ll find more information and membership forms here. International growers and importers into Australia are also welcome to become members: contact Lisa at for your relevant application form.