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Enjoying your weekly Friday Olive Extracts?

We hope you’re all enjoying your weekly edition of Friday Olive Extracts (FOE), bringing all the latest industry news and events to your Inbox in an even more timely manner. THE place to share olive industry news and last-minute event reminders, the 2017 weekly format...
How to cook vegetables to get the most good stuff

How to cook vegetables to get the most good stuff

Nutrition Week kicked off in Australia yesterday and this year’s theme is Try for 5, a friendly reminder to get in those five serves of veggies every day. Eating enough vegetables is one thing, but there’s no doubt everyone wants to make sure they’re...
ACCC online tool for anonymous complaints

ACCC online tool for anonymous complaints

The ACCC has launched a new online tool for people in the agriculture sector to anonymously report concerns about competition or fair trading issues, allowing farmers to report potential breaches of laws the ACCC enforces. This could include, for example, suspected...
2018 AgriFutures™ Rural Women’s Award

2018 AgriFutures™ Rural Women’s Award

There’s just two weeks left to apply for the 2018 AgriFutures™ Rural Women’s Award. Emerging female leaders from across the country are encouraged to apply for the Award, which is open to women wanting to innovate and make a difference, or contribute to enhancing the...

RES Olive Oil Awards announced

Number 29 Olive Grove, Waiheke Island, have won the Supreme Award in the Royal Easter Show Olive Oil Awards with their Frantoio/Leccino/Verdale Blend. The competition has a consumer focus and judges only EVOO wholly produced in New Zealand, awarding 9 gold, 19 silver...