Apr 6, 2017 | Diet/Food, International News/Trends, Marketing, Olive business, Olives and Health
From certification seals to romance text to website blog posts, many packaged food and beverage brands put a lot of thought (and resources) into creating convincing nutrition-related arguments to persuade buyers. But among Millennials, only 26% of them actually pay...
Apr 6, 2017 | Diet/Food, International News/Trends, Olives and Health
How much do you know about the heart-healthy kitchen staple olive oil? Storage: a dark glass or tin bottle protects oil from light and air, both of which can cause it to spoil. Clear glass is OK as long as it’s mostly covered by a large label. Store oil in a cool,...
Apr 6, 2017 | Australia, Diet/Food, Olives and Health
Are you avoiding fats in your daily diet? It may be time to stop, according to research, which proves eating fat does not make us fat — and in fact, can ensure we live longer. And the number one recommended step to this healthier diet is … 1. Extra Virgin Olive...
Apr 6, 2017 | Australia, Diet/Food, International News/Trends, NZ, Olive Oil News, Olives and Health
We need to talk about that lame, fusty bottle of olive oil sitting next to your stove that you’ve been settling for way too long. Maybe you think you’re not into cooking enough to deserve nice oil. But trust me, you are. You’re worth it. Sage advice, which we...
Mar 30, 2017 | Diet/Food, International News/Trends
For many years, it was the fat in our diets that was considered the biggest problem in maintaining a healthy weight and cholesterol level. Advice now suggests that sugar is the biggest culprit — but even so, it is wise to monitor the fat in our diet as not all fats...
Mar 30, 2017 | Diet/Food, International News/Trends, Marketing, Olive business
A family in Spain has created a chocolate bonbon filled with olive oil, and hopes to market the treats around the globe. The unusual chocolate and olive-oil mixture is a “contrast of flavors that leaves no palate indifferent,” according to Cristóbal Sánchez...