Jan 16, 2017 | Diet/Food, International News/Trends, Research
The traditional Mediterranean diet of fruit and vegetables, nuts, fish and wine could prevent neurological degeneration in later life, say researchers at the University of Edinburgh.
Jan 16, 2017 | Diet/Food, International News/Trends
“We will spread out through the world the knowledge of the benefits of cooking with EVOO”, said José Antonio Amérigo, chairman and founder of The Extra Virgin Olive Oil International Cooking Academy (ICA) a culinary institution officially presented in Benalmadena...
Dec 23, 2016 | Diet/Food, International News/Trends
Just how much of a role does diet play in overall health? And what dietary advice is best to follow? This week on “Take Care,” Dr Walter Willett … discusses what we’ve learned from nutrition studies over the years and how that information has helped shape...
Dec 23, 2016 | Australia, Diet/Food, Olive business
Some members of the Australian olive industry have also received a mysterious package in their letterboxes, sent by AOA Head Judge Shane Cummins. That mysterious package is, in fact, samples for Part 1 of The Tastebook, a sensory training initiative in appreciating,...
Nov 14, 2016 | Diet/Food, International News/Trends
Future-Market-Insights95Olive oil is high nutritive product extracted from the fresh olive fruits. Olive oil is the key component of Mediterranean diet, found in countries such as Spain, Greece and Italy. It is commercially manufactured by crushing or grinding olives...
Nov 14, 2016 | Australia, Diet/Food, Olives and Health
A recent editorial in the journal Open Heart suggests many of us have it all wrong when it comes to the balance of fats we eat. The authors urge a return to equal amounts of specific types of fats known as omega-6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in order to...