Sep 22, 2015 | International News/Trends, Labelling, Olive business
A five-colour nutrition label is more effective than three, says French advisory body – but industry has slammed it as simplistic while critics say it is more confusing than traffic-light labels.
Sep 22, 2015 | International News/Trends, Labelling, Olive business
An Italian bill will require companies to say where a product was produced and packaged, meaning greater transparency for consumers, says government – but industry has slammed it as backdoor protectionism that violates EU law.
Aug 31, 2015 | International News/Trends, Labelling
Symbolic information on a food label can change the perception of a product – even when consumers are aware that this perception is false, write researchers.
Aug 31, 2015 | International News/Trends, Labelling, Research
Consumers around the world are more label-conscious than ever before, according to new research from global colouring foods firm GNT.
Aug 31, 2015 | Australia, Labelling, Olive business
The AOA has flagged a recent excellent article by popular TV chef Ed Halmagyi, which succinctly sums up what’s happening in the Australian Olive industry. Significantly, Halmagyi highlights the importance of the Australian Standard for olive oil being mandated...
Aug 31, 2015 | International News/Trends, Labelling, Olive business
Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law Senate Bill 65, legislation by Senator Lois Wolk, D-Solano, changing an outdated labeling law that enabled olive oils to say they were produced in California, or a region of California. “As California’s olive oil industry continues to...