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NZ industry stars in September Olivegrower & Processor

New Zealand producers feature heavily in the coming edition of Australian & New Zealand Olivegrower & Processor, hitting letterboxes in early September. NZ co-operatives are firmly in focus, with a great article on hows, whys (and sometimes why-nots) of the...

Auckland Field Day

The last of the ONZ Focus Grove meetings will also be a field day, being held at Salumeria Fontana, Wellsford this Saturday, 22 August. Host Greg Scopas will join Andrew Taylor for the day, which will include discussion on the Focus Grove Project and the 2015 harvest,...

Small-batch processors – register for 2016

Thanks to all the small-batch processors who have contacted us with their details; they’re now on our register, which we reference to connect processors with people wanting to utilise their services. The FOE and Olivegrower team have had a number of enquiries this...

2015 NZ EVOO Awards – entries now open

This year’s New Zealand EVOO Awards competition has now been officially launched, with the 2015 judges panel comprising Australians Peter Olson (head judge) and Margi Kirkby, international guest judge Himeyo Nagatomo from Japan, and New Zealand judges Ed Scott, Hilary...

Olive Industry Directory notches up 10 years

The 2015 Australian and New Zealand Olive Industry Directory (OID) celebrates 10 years in print for this “must have” industry information source. Publisher Ryan Media began compiling annual industry listings in 2006, when there were just 520 olivegrowers and olive...