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2015 Olive Industry Directory – get yours now

The 2015 Australian and New Zealand Olive Industry Directory (OID) celebrates 10 years in print for this “must have” industry information source. Publisher Ryan Media began compiling annual industry listings in 2006, when there were just 520 olivegrowers and olive...

A great step forward for Kialla Pure Foods

This month Kialla Pure Foods launched an exciting new feature across their website – introducing the Plate2Farm tracker. This tracker allows consumers to input the batch number of their purchased products into the app on the website that then tracks the origins of the...

2015 harvest low across the country

Reports are generally signaling a much smaller harvest for most New Zealand growers this year, with some not even registering a harvestable crop for 2015. We’ll be covering the New Zealand harvest in the Harvest Round-up of the September edition of Olivegrower &...