Oct 10, 2016 | International News/Trends, Olives and Health
Thousands of deaths from heart disease and stroke could be prevented if everybody ate a Mediterranean diet, a major study of the UK’s eating habits has shown.
Sep 16, 2016 | Diet/Food, Olives and Health
A new Australian study confirms that the Mediterranean Diet improves brain function, slows cognitive decline, and reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s. Source: Olive Oil Times Med Diet with Olive Oil is Good for Your Brain...
Sep 7, 2016 | Australia, Diet/Food, Olive Oil News, Olives and Health
Eating plenty of vegetables, nuts and olive oil is more effective than drugs such as statins in treating heart disease, an “extraordinary” study suggests. Source: The Australian Patients who stuck to a Mediterranean diet were a third less likely to die early than...
Aug 11, 2016 | International News/Trends, Olives and Health
Healthy eating guidelines could fall flat as lower income shoppers are increasingly priced out of a market catering for prestige-seekers, a new study suggests. An upside could be higher prices for our fabulous healthy – and fashionable – EVOOs!...
Aug 11, 2016 | Diet/Food, International News/Trends, Olives and Health
Several food constituents that make up the Mediterranean diet have been strongly credited in extending life span, a 10-year follow-up study has shown.
Aug 11, 2016 | Diet/Food, International News/Trends, Olives and Health
Fresh research from years 1-4 of the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) rolling program has investigated the association between anti-inflammatory and antioxidant dietary patterns in reducing the onset of diabetes and looked at carb-protein ratios. And one...