Aug 11, 2016 | Australia, Diet/Food, Olive Oil News, Olives and Health
Healthy fats are friends not foes. And here’s why you should make extra virgin olive oil your BFF. Almost every week brings a new scientific study supporting the health benefits of a Mediterranean diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, wholegrains and the...
Jul 29, 2016 | International News/Trends, Olives and Health, Research
Here are five of the most important compounds that make extra virgin olive oil a veritable cocktail of health. 5 Reasons Extra Virgin Olive Oil is Incredibly Healthy...
Jul 29, 2016 | General Olive News, International News/Trends, Olives and Health
In 2009 when Law Hong Mei’s son was just six months old he developed very serious eczema. “Doctors told me it’s hereditary and children will either get eczema, sinus or asthma. My son has all three! At the same time my four-year-old daughter then also had eczema,”...
Jun 27, 2016 | Diet/Food, International News/Trends, Olive Oil News, Olives and Health
Extra virgin olive oil is a readily available antioxidant food source that helps reduce the effects of oxidative stress and therefore reduces the risk and progression of many diseases. Role of Olive Oil in Reducing Oxidative Stress...
Jun 20, 2016 | Diet/Food, EVOO, International News/Trends, Olives and Health
Extra virgin olive oil is a readily available antioxidant food source that helps reduce the effects of oxidative stress and therefore reduces the risk and progression of many diseases. Role of Olive Oil in Reducing Oxidative Stress...
Jun 7, 2016 | International News/Trends, Olives and Health
So stop doing it. Much like popping a pimple, there’s something weirdly satisfying about getting the gunk out of your ear. So what do they recommend as safe and effective? Olive oil, of course!