Sep 19, 2014 | Olive Oil Shows, Olives and Health, Seminars/Conference, Uncategorised
The University of Andalusia is holding a two-day seminar on recent innovations in olive growing, focusing on the impact of bacterial diseases. Being held on October 3-4 in Baeza, Jaén, the seminar will explore new developments in olive cultivation, combining the...
Aug 27, 2014 | EVOO, Olive Oil News, Olives and Health
The IOC has put out a request for proposals to define new testing methods for the “quantification of phenolic compounds content in olive oils for nutritional labelling claims.” This a watershed moment for high-phenolic EVOO marketing. The IOC has finally admitted that...
Aug 11, 2014 | International News/Trends, Olives and Health
Zhang Min would be very happy to be able to buy a 250ml bottle of Spanish olive oil for what he pays for a 2,500ml bottle of peanut oil. For the 34-year-old human resources specialist at a multi-national company in Beijing, that would be a good deal. Zhang thinks of...
Aug 11, 2014 | EVOO, International News/Trends, Olives and Health
Food writer, Jim Dixon, writing on the health benefits of olive oil, commented “we put it on almost everything on our table, beside the breakfast cereal. And I don’t eat breakfast cereal.” A recent media photo grabbed people’s attention. It showed actor and director...
Aug 11, 2014 | International News/Trends, Olives and Health
Belgian firm BioActor is one step closer to being able to lodge an application for its olive polyphenol product BonOlive, after a human intervention study confirmed its ability to protect post-menopausal women against osteoporosis.
Aug 11, 2014 | International News/Trends, Olives and Health
When oil extraction is complete at Lentara Olives on the West Tamar, the wallabies come in to feast. The rich paste of crushed olive fruits and stones is left outside for the wildlife, and to naturally biodegrade. But could such horticultural by-products or secondary...