Apr 21, 2015 | EVOO, NZ, Services
The Olives New Zealand Certification program, in conjunction with the oil testing service at Wagga Wagga (Aust), opens on 1 May and personalised certification packs have now been emailed to all ONZ members. The forms are also on the Olives NZ website for download...
Apr 10, 2015 | Equipment, Olive business, Services
The FOE and Olivegrower team regularly have enquiries from people looking for small-batch processors: it’s not uncommon for ‘home’ olive growers to want to produce their own oil, and weather-induced small grove crops are also an increasingly common occurrence. So...
Jan 8, 2015 | EVOO, Olive business, Services
The FOE and Olivegrower team regularly have enquiries from people looking for small-batch processors: it’s not uncommon for ‘home’ olive growers to want to produce their own oil, and weather-induced small grove crops are also an increasingly common occurrence. So...