May 18, 2017 | Australia, General Olive News, Olive business, Surveys
A national survey is being conducted to better understand the needs and issues facing Australian. producers in using digital technology and agricultural data. The results will enable the facilitation of policy development in supporting producers to fully take...
Mar 17, 2017 | International News/Trends, Olive business, Surveys
Food and drink product innovation will focus on extending product ranges and developing entirely new products in the food and drink sector over the next two years, a Campden BRI survey revealed.
Nov 14, 2016 | Australia, Research, Surveys
Each year the University of Canberra conducts a Regional Wellbeing Survey across regional Australia, supporting research that improves the wellbeing and quality of life of people living in rural and regional Australia. Results are produced for every community with...
Aug 31, 2016 | NZ, Olive business, Olive Oil News, Surveys
Olives NZ Grove Census forms will be emailed out this week, along with a Grove Database Report. EO Gayle Sheridan advises that those who have previously supplied details will only need complete the Tree Performance section – that is, 2016 harvest data: tonnage...
Jun 7, 2016 | Australia, EVOO, Surveys
A fortnight ago, the AOA launched a Change.Org online petition to let the government know that consumers really do care about truth in labelling, and want to get what they pay for. The petition calls for the Minister for Competition Policy and Consumer Affairs to...
May 17, 2016 | Australia, Labelling, Olive Oil News, Surveys
Acting on this continuing issue, the AOA has launched a Change.Org online petition to let the government know that consumers really do care about truth in labelling, and want to get what they pay for. The petition calls for the Minister for Competition Policy and...