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Have you signed the push for change?

A fortnight ago, the AOA launched a Change.Org online petition to let the government know that consumers really do care about truth in labelling, and want to get what they pay for. The petition calls for the Minister for Competition Policy and Consumer Affairs to...

A Message from AOA

URGENT – PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE MODERN HORTICULTURAL AWARD THAT MAY AFFECT YOUR BUSINESS. SURVEY TO BE COMPLETED BY 31ST JANUARY 2016. Dear Members, Most of you will be aware of the “Modern Horticultural Award” and how it relates to the olive industry. What you might...

2015 New Zealand Grove Census Harvest Report

The period for return of 2015 Grove Census Harvest Report forms has now ended and ONZ EO Gayle Sheridan has been hard at work collating the information. A snapshot of the cropping patterns and issues experienced across the country, the report provides invaluable...

Returned your New Zealand Grove Census?

Around half of the 2015 Grove Census forms have now been returned, with a hole in particular remaining for information from the country’s larger growers. EO Gayle Sheridan said grower assistance in completing the Grove Census is much appreciated, as it provides...