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How to host an olive oil tasting

Looking for some engaging, foodie fun? Yearning to discover the oil that sings to you? We recommend putting on a Trader Joe’s Olive Oil tasting. In fact, it’s exactly what we did to come up with the critical product details for our Guide To Extra Virgin Olive Oil....

Turning a mess into olive oil success

Around this very day 10 years ago, in a conference room in the grounds division office, Dan Flynn and a handful of others turned out the first run of UC Davis olive oil — pressed from olives off campus trees. The crew filled bottles by hand, plugged in the corks and...

Taste test originated with wine

While idly flipping TV channels one rainy Sunday afternoon, I paused on a Food Network program featuring a tasting of sorts. The subject was not wine, as the participants were sipping their liquid from small, shallow cups. But if I were to shut my eyes and just...