Aug 31, 2015 | Uncategorised
Thanks to all the small-batch processors who have contacted us with their details; they’re now on our register, which we reference to connect processors with people wanting to utilise their services. The FOE and Olivegrower team have had a number of enquiries this...
Jul 21, 2015 | Uncategorised
An initiative of Reed Exhibitions and the Royal Agricultural Society of New South Wales, Agriworld Australia 2015 aims to bring the agrifood industry together from farm to fork and provide the networking, business opportunities, information sharing and education...
Jul 21, 2015 | Uncategorised
Two of world’s most experienced olive oil tasters, Paul Vossen and Richard Gawel, have organized a unique one-day workshop designed to take olive oil tasters to the next level. Attendees can look forward to an information-packed day that will teach them to identify...
Jul 21, 2015 | NZ, Uncategorised
Ryan Media and Olives NZ are providing a special offer to Olives NZ members, with the latest 2015 Olive Industry Directory available at half price – less than $20 including postage. Click here for more information
Jul 7, 2015 | Uncategorised
The Moroccan Center for Export Promotion, the export arm of the Ministry of Foreign Trade, today announced Morocco has become one of the largest olive oil producers in Africa and worldwide by nearly doubling a net production in six years to 1.5+ million metric...
Jul 3, 2015 | International News/Trends, Uncategorised
The Sacramento region’s artisanal olive oil producers are betting that a new competition at the California State Fair will further distinguish the quality of their extra-virgin products from the mass-produced oil that consumers can get for half the price at...