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For the past six years CEO Lisa Rowntree and office manager Leana Head have been the front line faces of the Australian Olive Association (AOA), running a tight ship from the organisation’s Coonalpyn office in SA. It’ll be sad news for many, therefore, that they are both resigning from their positions, with effect from late January 2017. Rowntree will remain on the AOA Board as a LEG director and also take on a fresh role focusing on specific productivity projects, while Head is moving on to different things.

The CEO position has been advertised on the SEEK job website (here) and via the Voice of Horticulture database, with the new incumbent to be chosen by an AOA Board sub-committee.

It’s been great working with Rowntree and Head to disseminate Association and industry information, and the FOE and Olivegrower & Processor team wish them all the best in their new endeavours. Read more about their decision, and plans for the future, in the December edition of Olivegrower & Processor.