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The 20th anniversary of The Australian National EVOO and Table Olive Competition is being celebrated with a number of beneficial changes, including: ► no limit on EVOO or Table Olive entries ► minimum 50L production for EVOO entries ► provide own EVOO test results ► lower costs with only NIR test results for FFA, PV, UV and PPH needed @ $30/EVOO exhibit ►new classes for single varieties ► new Citrus only class + new Other Flavoured Olive Oil class ► new Australian Tapenade class for Table Olive Competition ► judges comments qualify as organoleptical assessment for COP signatories. Full details of the changes on the Olivebiz website here.
Key dates: entries close on 2 September and winners will be announced at the 2016 Australian National Awards Dinner in Geelong, VIC on Monday, 3 October. Gold winning oils will also be on display and available for tasting at the Australian National Olive Industry Conference and Trade Exhibition. More information: or email Chief Steward Leana Head: