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After many weeks of consultation, the South Australian olive industry is being reminded that there’s still time to have a say on the proposed Olive Industry Fund.

To be established under the Primary Industry Funding Schemes Act 1998, the levy proposes that growers contribute approximately one percent of the value of their crop towards a fund that will be collected by PIRSA and then transferred to Olives SA for use towards state and national projects that will benefit the South Australian industry.

Growers and processors still have until Friday 8 August to get their written submissions in to ensure the levy receives enough support to go ahead.

Lisa Rowntree, Olives SA President says consultation on the levy has gone exceptionally well, with 93 producers representing 64 olive enterprises attending regional information sessions across the State.

“Together with follow-up one-on-one meetings with olive growers and processors, up to 70% of SA’s olive production has been included in the levy consultation process,” Ms Rowntree said.

“We’ve received tremendous support from growers and processors, with many constructive suggestions received and very little opposition to the levy.

“Industry has really gotten behind it, however we now need formal written support before the levy can be endorsed by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries.”

Ms Rowntree also stressed that if any industry members still had concerns, they should make a submission or contact Peter McFarlane to ensure their concerns are considered in the proposal.

A discussion paper, explaining how the fund will work, its benefits and how to make a written submission is available on the Olives SA website or by contacting Peter McFarlane, 0418 839 836 or

Submissions can be made by mail, fax or email to:
Olive Industry Fund
33 Phillips St, SOMERTON PARK SA 5044
Fax: 08 8376 7048