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Hort Innovation has just released the 2017/18 Levy Fund Annual Reports – 35 in total, with a report specific to each participating industry including our own Olive Fund.

Hort Innovation works with the olive industry to invest olive levy funds and Australian Government contributions into initiatives to help growers be as productive and profitable as possible. So if you pay the levy then this is one document you won’t want to miss, specifying everything your levy dollars were used for during the most recent financial year.  

From the list of R&D projects funded to the R&D Report and the fund Financial Statement, you’ll find all the key investment and project information from 2017/18 in the document. Easy to read and reference, it’s available to download from the Hort Innovation Fund Annual Report Portal at Get yours now!

And if you prefer to read a hard copy of your industry’s annual report, simply use the form available through the portal to place an order and have your report mailed to you.

All Australian levy paying horticulture industries also contributed to across-industry projects, addressing issues that affect horticulture as a whole. Visit for financial documents and information on this program during the 2017/18 financial year.

To stay up to date with what your levy is achieving throughout the year, make sure you read the eight page R&D Insights lift-out in the Olivegrower & Processor industry magazine or the digital version on the OliveBiz website here.