Earlier this month Hort Innovation launched a dedicated portal to support growers and the broader horticultural industry through the coming forecast dry times.
The Dealing with Dry Times portal, housed on the Hort Innovation website, provides a comprehensive suite of resources and information to inform grower decision-making prior to, during and following challenging circumstances.
It contains links to relevant support services and industry-specific research and resources, including reports, case studies, fact sheets, videos and webinar recordings. There are also links to updated long-range weather forecasts and climate driver information.
This portal as a living asset and will be updated as new content is identified and/or becomes available. If you are aware of any relevant resources that you think would be useful to other growers, please send details to editor@olivegrower.com.au so we can forward them to Hort Innovation for inclusion.
You can access the Dealing with Dry Times portal and its resources here.