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Olives South Australia Inc is holding a Special General Meeting on Tuesday 9 June 2009 at the Waite Institute Auditorium, Plant Research Centre, Gate 2b Hartley Grove, Urrbrae. The meeting is being held in conjunction with the second of a series of “Olive Industry Fund” management planning workshops. Registration is from 6.00 pm for a 6.30 pm (sharp) commencement.

Lisa Rowntree, Olives SA President said that the Special General Meeting program which commences at 8.15 pm, has been called for members to consider a schedule of “Special Resolutions” to amend the Constitution of the Association in regard to membership eligibility and other matters associated with the recent implementation of the olive levy in South Australia.

The State Government has approved a “Voluntary Contributions” Scheme for South Australian Olive Growers under the Primary Industry Funding Schemes Act 1998 to fund projects that will be of benefit to the South Australian olive industry.

Rowntree said the meeting program will be of relevance to all olive industry participants, and not just current Olives SA members, and that the planning workshops are an opportunity for olive industry participants to provide input to the development of the first five year “Olive Industry Fund Management Plan”.

Another Olive Industry Fund management planning workshop is scheduled for:

o Tuesday 23 June 2009, registration from 3.45 pm for a 4.00 pm start at the Virginia Horticulture Centre, Old Port Wakefield Rd. Virginia.

These workshops will be facilitated by independent consultant Peter McFarlane who has been retained to assist Olives SA to prepare the plan.

A copy of the SGM meeting notice and schedule of Special Resolutions is available by contacting Peter McFarlane on 0418 839 836, or, and is posted on the Association’s website at