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The end of 2024 saw the completion of significant upgrades to Plant Health Australia’s Digital Systems, with the rollout of IT improvements to three of the national biosecurity co-ordinator’s core digital projects – AUSPestCheck®(APC), the Pest and Disease Image Library (PaDIL) and the Australian Plant Pest Database (APPD).

In November, PHA’s IT team rolled out significant enhancements across APC, PaDIL and the APPD, alongside progress on IT systems and work on the electronic Plant Health Assurance Certificate (ePHAC) project. Each of the platforms supports identification, surveillance, or both, providing wide-ranging benefits for governments, plant industries, and communities.

APC improvements included better program visibility via a new program dashboard and webform uploads, enhancements in APPD focused on navigation and reporting functionality, while PaDIL received search functionality upgrades and more effective creation of diagnostic content.

December followed with the release of a data-sharing container in APC, a highly anticipated enhancement enabling governments and industries to securely share surveillance data for the first time.

New functionality is supported by updated online manuals and demonstrations, with a new Biosecurity Online Training (BOLT) course to be released later this year to further support APC users.

More information

You can find out more about AUSPestCheck® (APC) here, the Pest and Disease Image Library (PaDIL) here and the Australian Plant Pest Database (APPD) here. Please note that the APC and APPD sites provide information on the systems only, with access to data restricted to authorised entities.