The Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria (RASV) has presented 33 trophies for recognition of excellence in fine food production across Australia. Producers from Victoria were awarded 18 Champion Trophies overall, while Tasmania took out six. New South Wales, South Australia, Queensland and Western Australia were awarded five, two, one and one trophies respectively. For the first time in the history of the Awards, judges awarded two Champion Trophies in the one category, with both Salute Olivia and Summerland Olive Products receiving Trophies for their outstanding table olives. Top olive results were: (EVOO) Champion Boutique Oil – Lisadurne Hill Hojiblanca; Champion Single Estate Grown Oil – Lauriston Olive Oil; Champion Table Olive – Salute Oliva Kalamata and Summerland Olive Products Sundried Olives with Sweet Chilli and Lime.